Jewish Pereyaslav-Khmelmitskiy –

Proceedings of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitskiy city government (duma) 1870-1917 – Jewish archive fund #534

Dear Friends! During our researches at the different archives of Ukraine we collect and describe any possible and interesting things which are helpful at our Jewsih Genealogical Research work. So, today, let us introduce the brand-new discovered archive fund which almost all consists of the file-bo0ks mostly related to the Jewish people of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine.…

Stepantsy, Jewish colony at Kanev district, Ukraine.  –

Stepantsy, Jewish colony at Kanev district, Ukraine

As many of different other Jewish settlements (“mistechko”) at the Russian Empire, Stepantsy became a Jewish colony by some sort of machination. As we know, it was totally forbidden to the Jewish people to live at the villages and mix between the peasants. At the middle of the 18th century, they could live only at the agricultural colonies or at…

Jewish Family Names list – 1897 Russian Empire census – Pokatilov, Ukraine

Jewish Family Names list – 1897 Russian Empire census – Pokatilov, Ukraine – 3

Jewish family names that you can find at 1897 Russian Empire (Ukraine, Belarussia, Russia) census at Pokatilov village, Ukraine: Funt Boruch Simha, Ozeransky Chaim Nachman Boruch, Nezdatny Shai Itskov, Vorona Moshko, Goldbarg Peisah Refulev, Abramsky Leia, Kaner Skharya Avrum-Gershom, Royzenfeld Shai Volkov, Kantorovich Yos Yudkov, Kamen Berko Shieshov (Shneshov? Shaishov?), Rabinovich Shmarev Falicov (?), Braslavsky Yankel (Schlick?), Rabinovich Pinchas Shaimov, Litvak Zeilik…

Jewish Family Names list – 1897 Russian Empire census – Pokatilov, Ukraine

Jewish Family Names list – 1897 Russian Empire census – Pokatilov, Ukraine – 2

Jewish family names that you can find at 1897 Russian Empire (Ukraine, Belarussia, Russia) census at Pokatilov village, Ukraine: Pernyant Itsko Shaevich, Yatsko Chaim Itzkowitz, Mazus Nus Moshe Shaevich, Shtivel Usher Nusinovich, Barsky Duvid Ios Aronov, Gendler Slam Avrum, Rabbi Leib Hershko, Gendler Wilke Moshkov, Bokovsky Berko Nuhimovich, Zubok Nuhtm Naftulovich, Chaika Yankel, Yaskova Freud Haimova, Yaskov Chaim Leibovitch, Basin Mordko Gershov, Serebryannik Leib Nachman, Orekhovsky Hertz Nehaimov, Obshteyn Life Srul Moshkov, Dovgy Moshko Gabriel, Branibrut Beila Riva, Batsheva Elyuminosova, F(L)…

Jewish Family Names list – 1897 Russian Empire census – Pokatilov, Ukraine

Jewish Family Names list – 1897 Russian Empire census – Pokatilov, Ukraine – 1

Jewish family names that you can find at 1897 Russian Empire (Ukraine, Belarussia, Russia) census at Pokatilov village, Ukraine: Mostovoy Avrum-Duvid, Askis, Royzenkargova, Mostovoy Mikhel,  Boydoym Moshko Avrum, Mostovoy  Shlema, Litvak Ios, Feygel, Brashbrut, Binominsky, Talyansky, Volkov, Polevoy, Yankelevich, Farber, Verbuk, Rozumny, Shvarushteyn, Pasovoy, Velsher, Podolsky, Strashniy, Feldman, Feldman, Shifrin, Feldman, Bortnik, Verbun, Leykshhman (?), Baltaksi (?), Goyhbar, Bortnik, Kozodoy, Furman, Glukhov, Keshel, Shebenevsky, Erich, Brodsky, Bogoslavsky, Yarmarkovy, Tevelevich (?), Butylkov, Blinderova Khan Gershovna, Velednitsky Leyba Ihishov, Katseshkov Yudko Haimov, Blinder Moshko Mendelev, Tsvetovat Itsko Meir Wolkov, Cher Avrum Leib, Grinbar Wolke Duvid, Braslavsky Shai, Frenkel Chaim Leib Yos, Mezheritskiy Shaya, Nezhnyi Haim Benyuminov, Mezheritskiy Yankel Gershko, Gershtarg…

List of the districts at Kiev gubernia which have the saved data by population census, 1897 –

List of the districts at Kiev gubernia which have the saved data by population census, 1897

Sometimes during our Jewish genealogical researches we are trying to find and place in a system overall documentation which is available to search in. So, few times ago we’ve found all the saved population censuses, 1897 at Kiev gubernia with detailed information of Jewish families (including Names, Family names, location, activity etc.). And now, if…
