To order research, please, send the information you know by filling the contact form

We will check at our database if the materials of research are available and provide you the list of such materials with overall pricing. Important: we work only with pre-payment for our services. There are several points to determine price:

We work only on pre-paid and we are not responsible for the absence of your ancestors in settlements where you think they should live. just as we are not responsible for the documents absence in the Ukrainian archives. Regardless of the fact that you can not get a result, we are working, and each work must be paid. For your peace of mind I would like to add that previously we make a detailed assessment of the documents that may be in your village and announce in advance what type of document is likely to find. And then you evaluate are you ready to risk or not by your own. As a consolation, I may add that we do not forget our customers and if we come across your name in what is another town we’ll definitely inform you about this. And it doesn’t matter matter how much time passed.

 1. Overall quantity of the documents to be researched (books’ sheets)

 2. Overall quantity of the archives to be visited

 3. Degree of difficulty of the documents (year of filling, condition etc.)

 4. Probable additional costs (depends on the archive type)

Genealogical research costs can vary from 400$ to 10,000$

It depends on many factors. For example, the amount of available information, the presence of it in one or more of the archives, and most importantly, the desire to go to the end customer. Not all the information is on the surface, sometimes to extract seed you need to  to sift the field.
In any case, the final price is calculated individually.
There are several types of services and pricing policy, we can offer you:
1. Primary collection of information that may be available and the final cost analysis study. – euro 200
2. Archive Search in the archives of Kiev – 150 euro per  day
3. Archive Search in other cities – 300 euro per day + accommodation expenses (approximately 80 euro per day)
4. You know exactly when and where your ancestors were born and births -50 euro available record (supplied in the form of photocopies)
5. If you do not have a lot of free money for research, but you’d like, you can gather a group of people from your village and submit a collective application. In this case, to have these added costs only 30 euro per additional family name. Initially, in the above amount is not more than 4 family names
6. You can decide to view any number of books you’re willing to spend the money. In this case, the view of each book can cost from 20 to 45 euro. But this rule is only for Kiev archives.
7. Also, if you havn’t any possibility to find any co-customer in your locality you can request and when we have another client to your town, we’ll definitely let you know. In this case, you almost do not have to pay for travel expenses, and our services will cost only $ 100 per day

Do not forget to contact us anyway – to find optimal way for your request


Important: Before ordering, please, read all the Blog posts at our website. With the help of the articles you will be able to make your order more clear and you also will have better understanding on how deep you want to go into research. If you told us the wrong place (city, settlement, etc.) your relatives come from and we have already started the research and later you understand that you have mixed up the information – you need to pay for the research again. That is why, please, be more careful with the information you have. Moreover, you need to clearly understand that probably the majority of the Ukrainian archives were seriously damaged during the Second World War and at the beginning of the 1990’s. Also, during the change in the archival policy of Ukraine, lots of documents were transferred from one archive to another ones for several times and that is why sometimes it is not so easy to find the direct document quickly. Part of our services is to check the possibility to track your family records and provide you with the complicated level of your request. Also, you need to fully understand and agree that sometimes we can do difficult job and after a while you can hear nothing (in case that it is hard to find the direct documents: birth certificate, death certificate, marriage certificate etc.). If your request has such a problem we usually try to find any indirect documents (police reports, military document, study records etc.) to provide you with indirect information about your relatives.  We do not start our work till we are not sure that we have any information regarding your settlements and always warn you about all the documents available

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